Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Wally’s Water Wisdom – Your Guide to the Earth Day Celebration

Hi friends! While I’m sure many of you have had the opportunity to attend one of our Earth Day Celebrations over the last 15 years, there are a few who haven’t. So, I’m here today to make sure those of you who haven’t attended 1. Get excited about attending this year and 2. Know exactly what to do to make the most of your time at the event.

First, the event will take place on Thursday, April 18 from 4 pm – 7 pm at the Chino Creek Wetlands and Educational Park. There are two lots available for parking with signage and volunteers to help direct you to each. One lot is located on El Prado Road at the Chino Creek Wetlands’ main entrance, and another – with a few EV charging spaces – is located on Kimball Avenue (closest to IEUA’s headquarters). Pro tip: Parking space is limited, so I highly recommend carpooling if you can! Get into that Earth Day spirit. 😉

Once you’ve parked, make your way to one of the check-in booths located near each parking lot for exhibitor and giveaway information (Trust me, don’t skip the check-in!). Checking in is quick and easy by scanning a QR code and completing three simple questions. After that, you’re free to explore!

A few exhibitors I recommend stopping by:

  • Animal encounters (because why not check “hold an iguana” off your bucket list?)
  • Wastewater slime station (because slime!)
  • City of Chino (meet our co-hosts!)

Once you’ve made your way through the Park, filled up on snow cones and tacos, taken in the beautiful scenery, and most importantly, spotted our hidden surprises, head back to check-in to claim your prize! I hope this can help make your first (or second, or third, or 15th) Earth Day with us a memorable experience.

That’s all I have for today, friends. I will see you all soon with my next drop of water wisdom.

Your friend,



Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Wally’s Water Wisdom – Anyone can be an Environmental Steward

Hi friends! I am back, and I come bearing gifts (a.k.a. tips to save the earth – the best gifts of all 😉). 

In my last update, I mentioned that ANYONE can be an environmental steward, but one large question remains: HOW?! Let’s talk about it.

A common misconception when it comes to environmental stewardship is the idea that “my small action will never be enough to make a difference, so I simply won’t do it.” Philosopher Lao Tzu once said, “great acts are made up of small deeds.” Simple actions make a huge difference when it comes to scenarios like these. Turning off the water while you brush your teeth, limiting showers to five minutes or fewer, making sure trash makes its way to the proper bins, planting California natives, and turning your sprinklers off during and for 48 hours after heavy rainfall are just a few of the many ways to show your love for Mother Earth.

So, the next time you think, “is it really that easy?” The answer is yes! My friends at IEUA have some great information on water saving tips and water-use efficiency rebates & programs on their website. I highly recommend checking them out to see what “small” action you can perform, especially as we approach Earth Month. 

That’s all I have for today, friends! I’ll see you all soon with my next drop of water wisdom. 

Your friend,


Thursday, April 4, 2024

Wally’s Water Wisdom – 15th Annual Earth Day Celebration

Hi friends! It sure has been a while since we last spoke, but I am back and better than ever with, of course, another exciting update.

IEUA and the city of Chino’s 15th Annual Earth Day Celebration is right around the corner! That’s right; prepare to head back to the Chino Creek Wetlands and Educational Park for educational activities, animal encounters, giveaways, and more!

Don’t get me wrong; while it sure does make it fun, Earth Day isn’t all about celebrations. Quick backstory: Earth Day’s story begins in 1970. It may be hard to imagine that before then, a factory could spew black clouds of toxic smoke into the air or dump tons of toxic waste into a nearby stream, and that was perfectly legal. At the time, there was no such thing as the “EPA,” “Clean Air Act,” or even “Clean Water Act.” Recognizing the importance of environmental stewardship, Senator Gaylord Nelson created Earth Day to force this issue onto the national agenda. Guess what? It worked, and 20 million Americans across the U.S. joined in on the effort.

With that being said, IEUA continues to be a huge proponent for environmental stewardship. Not only is it easy to perform small actions that save our earth, ANYONE can be an environmental steward. Stay tuned for my next update to find out how. 😉

In the meantime, make sure to stay up to date with my friends at IEUA through their social media channels, @IEUAwater, for more information on their Earth Day Celebration.

That’s all I have for today, friends! I will see you all very soon with my next drop of water wisdom.

Your friend,


Thursday, June 22, 2023

Wally's Water Wisdom - The Supercharged Sanctuary

Hey there, friends! Welcome to another edition of Wally's Water Wisdom. On this National Hydration Day, join IEUA and Chino Creek Wetlands as we embark on an immersive journey to explore the magnificent wonders of wetlands, their precious habitats, and how they work together for water conservation and purification processes.

Let's dive right in, shall we? Wetlands are not only vital for our hydration but also the foundation of all ecosystems. These extraordinary habitats possess a mind-blowing superpower – their natural water filtration abilities. They not only cleanse and purify our precious water sources, but they also protect us from tough environmental problems like droughts and floods.

Superpowers of Water Conservation

So, what superpowers do wetlands possess, you ask? Well, let me enlighten you. They protect us from the dangers of floods, water scarcity, and polluted water.

Did you know that according to the National Weather Service's 2023 data, flash floods have become a more common and serious threat in various regions across the United States? Fear not because wetlands are here to save the day!

Oh no, floods! Enter the 'mighty sponge' to the rescue! Wetlands have an incredible ability to absorb and hold excess water, acting as a natural buffer against heavy rains and storms. Think of them as superhero capes, coming in to save the day when raindrops turn into a heavy downpour. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says a wetland can typically store about three-acre feet of water…that’s ONE MILLION gallons of water! They eagerly soak up that excess water from rain and storms, storing it within their lush grounds. Now, that's what I call an impressive superpower!


Wetlands perform a valuable service by holding back rain, floods, and more. They slowly release water into the ground, replenishing underground aquifers and maintaining a steady flow in our creeks and streams, even during dry periods. It's like having a gigantic water-saving vault right in our backyard. 

Did you know that the wetlands are the ultimate superheroes of water filtration? As the water flows into the wetlands, it encounters a mighty squad of extraordinary plants, including the remarkable duckweed and cattails. These plant superheroes possess an incredible power – they absorb nutrient pollutants like nitrogen and phosphorus, using their mighty roots as sponges. Meanwhile, beneath the surface, a team of microbial heroes diligently breaks down harmful substances, transforming them into harmless compounds. With this dynamic force at work, wetlands become the unstoppable champions of pollution control, purifying our water and ensuring a cleaner, safer world.

So, let's give a big shout-out to wetlands, the unsung heroes of the great outdoors! Stay wild, keep exploring, and make sure to follow us @ieuawater and @chinocreekwetlands. We're about to make a splash with all things water education and conservation! Let's ride this wave together and show some love to our H2O heroes. Stay tuned, stay hydrated, and let's make a splash for a better, water-wise world!