Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Wally's Water Wisdom - FOG

 Hi friends!

As the holiday season approaches, many of us will be celebrating with good food and lots of it…which means it’s time for my seasonal reminder! Eating all that food is the easy part, but do you know what to do with any leftovers?

Typically, holiday meals have one thing in common- FOG! No, not the thick layer of mist you see in the morning! FOG stands for fats, oils and greases and, as it accumulates and cools in pipes, restricts water flow resulting in potential sewer blockages and overflows for you and your community.

Luckily, preventing FOG clogs is easy as pie! (Pun intended.) Dispose of any leftover food scraps in the trash, collect and cool large amounts of FOG before throwing it away and use a paper towel to wipe any remaining FOG from your plate or pan.

No matter how you choose to celebrate, we can all do our part to ensure a FOG-free holiday for ourselves and our neighbors!

Stay safe, everyone and I’ll see you again soon with my next drop of water wisdom.

Your friend,
