Monday, August 26, 2024

Wally’s Water Wisdom - Participate in World Water Week 2024

Its August, which means it is time to make the most out of the last bit of summer! For most people, that means swimming in your backyard or a day by the beach; however, for my friends at IEUA, they think about August a little differently. That’s because in August, IEUA is celebrating the end of summer and World Water Week! World Water Week is a week dedicated to water conservation and responsible water usage worldwide, both today and for future generations. So, while you may be spending the 
summer soaking up the sun or playing in the water, be sure to keep acting as those great environmental stewards that I know you are!

I even created a fun way to help you keep ‘water’ on your mind. Here are a few tips that can help you save water this month and in the future:

Water your yard in the morning. By watering your yard during the cooler hours of the day, the water is more likely to be absorbed fully into the soil. Cooler temperatures can help reduce the amount of water needed to fully sustain your yard. Since the temperature usually rises throughout the day, especially in California, precious water could be lost to evaporation! This tip could also prevent overwatering your yard.

Always be sure to turn off the faucet when it’s not in use. It can be very tempting to leave the faucet on out of convenience while brushing your teeth or washing your hands. However, it is important to save as much water as possible and turn off the faucet while it is not actively in use, whether that be while you are scrubbing your teeth or scrubbing the dishes.

Take shorter showers to reduce the amount of water being used every single day. Did you know that the average showerhead releases approximately 2.5 gallons of water every minute? That’s right! This equates to about 25 gallons of water in just 10 minutes! Limit showers to five minutes or fewer for an easy way to cut down on your daily usage.

Engage with your local water agencies to learn how you can help protect our most precious resource – water. If you are within IEUA’s service area, opportunities to engage with us include participating in our Water is Life Student Art Poster Contest (Stay tuned!), signing up for a field trip through our Water Discovery Program, or visiting us at various local community events.

Hint hint: IEUA will host an outreach table and fun activities at the Waterwise Pumpkin Festival on Saturday, October 5. Follow us on social media to learn more.

Reduce, reuse, recycle – Wally always reminds his pal Owlie to practice the three R’s to help prevent pollution into our waterways. Reduce – Try to reduce your production of trash and energy. For example, turn off the lights in any room that’s not currently in use. Reuse – One easy way to reuse an item is to ditch the plastic water bottle and consider using a reusable water bottle instead! Recycle - Check out the labeling of an item before discarding it into the trash. It may be recyclable or compostable!

I hope you take these techniques with you as you finish off the summer continuing to be water conscious!

Your friend,




Thursday, August 22, 2024

Wally’s Water Wisdom – Happy Water Quality Month 2024

Hi friends! Wally here. I cannot believe it has been nearly two years since we last spoke about Water Quality Month. The time really does fly, doesn’t it? As we know, August is Water Quality Month, so what better time than now to reflect on the importance of a safe, clean water supply in our lives and for the overall health of our ecosystems. At IEUA, the staff is passionate about our water supply, including water-use efficiency and improving the quality of our invaluable water resources. This month, we are highlighting the crucial role water quality testing plays in maintaining healthy habitats for wildlife, supporting agriculture, and ensuring safe water for our communities.

Water is a finite resource, and its quality can be influenced by daily activities. From fats, oils, and greases (FOG) down a kitchen drain to the use of pesticides in your garden, everything you do can impact the water cycle!

Speaking about FOG, did you know that my scientist friends at IEUA’s award-winning Water Quality Laboratory analyze FOG as well? If you have not seen the video on social media yet, you should check it out by clicking on the image below.

Science is so a-m-a-z-i-n-g!


Actually, all of my friends at IEUA work to mitigate water quality effects through educational programs and hands-on conservation efforts. The Agency’s facilities, including the Chino Creek Wetlands and Educational Park, serve as a real-life testing ground! How cool is that? At our Park, visitors can learn about the natural process of water filtration, the importance of wetlands in water purification, and the steps we can all take to protect this precious limited resource.

Maintaining clean waterways is an achievable goal if everyone can collectively implement small changes to their daily lives. When you work together, seemingly small things lead to big transformations over time. Intentional choices such as not littering, picking up pet waste, using fertilizers and pesticides in recommended amounts, and disposing of FOG in the trash instead of down the drain can make a huge difference!

During Water Quality Month, I encourage everyone to visit my pal Owlie at the Chino Creek Wetlands and Educational Park to learn more about how you can contribute to water conservation and quality. Join in on IEUA’s mission to protect the region’s water supply and, by extension, our planet. 😊 Together, we can ensure that future generations have access to the clean, safe water they deserve!

That is all I have for today, friends. I will see you all soon with my next drop of water wisdom!


Your Friend,
