Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Wally’s Water Wisdom – Summer Water Saving Tips

Hi friends! Happy summer! If you’ve been keeping up with my blog posts for a while, then you’ll know that a new season means new watering tips to adjust to the change in weather. Before we get started, it’s important to note that while these are referred to as “summer water saving tips,” they can work year-round as well! So, make sure you are always doing what you can to be water wise as every drop counts! 

  1. Water your yard in the morning or evening. Water evaporates quickly when the sun is high, so getting your lawn watered before sunrise or after sunset will help your lawn retain more moisture, longer. (Be sure to adhere to any water restrictions put in place by your city or local water provider!)
  2. If you have a pool, cover it when it’s not in use. Similar to the previous tip, higher temperatures cause water to evaporate quicker. Covering your pool allows the water to stay in place for the next time you use it!
  3. Shorten your showers. While I’m sure we all love a nice cool shower to refresh from the summer heat, make sure to limit your showers to five minutes or fewer.
  4. Fruit salad, anyone? Rinse fruits and veggies in a bowl instead of holding them under running water. Once you’re done, repurpose the water for the plants in your garden!
  5. Thaw your frozen foods on the counter or in the fridge. Let the summer heat help you prep your meals instead of using our precious water. 

That’s all I have for today, friends. Here’s to a water-wise summer and I’ll see you soon with my next drop of water wisdom.

Your friend,


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